Monday, 29 December 2014

The Dangers of Smoking

The Dangers of Smoking

English Essay on "The Dangers of Smoking"

Very many young people are in the grip of smoking habit. Cigarettes have become popular to an alarming extent. They are seen in the mouths of even the small children. They young boys are poisoning them selves. They are undermining their health. It is a very sad sight. In the past the people used. “Huqqa”. It used to be costly and heavy, but the modern cigars and cigarettes are very cheap. They can be had very easily and this is the cause of its windespread use.

They can be carried in a pocket without trouble. It is due to this ease and quick availability that the habit of smoking has become almost universal. Tobacco smoking is very injurious physically. The pulse of a smoker beats faster and his nerves are excited. Smoking weakness his vital organs permanently. The smoking affects the wind pipe and the lungs. The smokers sufers from clods and cough. They get bad and dirty teeth which cause other diseases. Eyesight and digestion are damaged. Dead smokers get heart trouble. Not one good thing can be said for tobacco smoking.

Due to the habit of smoking moneys is wasted, health is ruined and nothing at all is gained. Smoking is a source of moral danger also. It produces lethargy and impairs the national efficiency, man becomes a slave to this habit. He cannot observe fasting. He cannot control his urge to smoke early in the morning the people turn of God but the tobacco slave is at his pipe changing and spitting.

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