Wednesday, 24 December 2014



English Essay on "Discipline"

Growing in discipline in youths is causing a flutter in the thinking section of the community. The behavior of the youngsters in schools and colleges shows a tendency to do away with restrains. A small grievance causes big explosion. Waves of strikes, walk out; such violent measures are adopted on feeble pretext. With the arbour of a holy crusade, in a mole-like fashion they indulge in booing jeering and hurling abuses.

Statements and counter statements follow, battles continue, they are fought to the finish. So much class conscious the youths have become, that they are ready to strike like the proletariat, the moment they find the time ripe for it. 4essays.blogspot.comThis is all very unhappy, no doubt, but the trouble is that we lock only on the surface, while the maladay lies far deeper. Let us do a bit a honest thinking and the problem will never baffle attempts at solution.

What ails the student community, afflicts the whole of the society, the canntagion spreading for and wide? Some blame confusing political conditions for such state of affaris. That is true up to some extent. Confusion breeds discontent which is reflected in the behavior of the youths more quickly. Others blame economic misery for it, which causes despair and instigates them to take the law in their own hands. That to, might be one of the reasons, but things are not so simple as they appear to be.

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